Friday, May 20, 2016

The American Dream (LATE)

My opinion of the American Dream is prosperity and happiness. Prosperity includes succeeding and following my dreams. I believe growing as a person with morals is the American Dream. A person not having to worry financially and support one's family is the American Dream. Equality and fairness is the American Dream because living in a world where hard work is appreciated is the American Dream. Happiness is also necessary because with true happiness and success a person can be anything he or she wants to be. Having people around that bring joy and not megativity is the American Dream.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 9

I have really enjoyed Mr. Rease's AP class this year. I learned a lot of useless material. I have learned how to write papers and strategies on how to improve on my writing in the future. My favorite part of the class was discussion because learning from my classmates has giving me a different way to look at things and problems. Mr. Rease prepared me for the AP test even though I still struggle a little with multiple choice. I disliked the most were some of my childish classmates who seemed as though they did not take Mr. Rease or the class seriously. Besides that, I enjoyed the class and would take it again. To improve on next year, I think the students who do not take the class seriously and are playful should not take the class. That hinders those students who do want the college credit and do want to pass the class.

Friday, April 22, 2016

ACT Review

The ACT was hard. I did not have trouble in the English or math section. The reading was easy I just did not have enough time to complete it. The science was too much. There was so little time with so much work. There was a lot of graphs, tables, and studies to analyze in to little time. The math was some what easy and I am glad that I took Pre-Calculus or I would not have been able to understand it. I managed my time wisely doing the shorter questions first then the long ones.
No teachers prepared me for the ACT except Mr. Rease. None of the others took the time to out of class to help us. Intervention was meant for ACT, but if the intervention teachers knows nothing about math how are they supposed to help us or answer our questions ? Mr. Rease helped us the day before the test which was good because I remembered everything he told me during the test. My classroom was quiet during the test which helped me focus and concentrate. The writing prompt for the ACT was more simple than what I thought it was going to be. I struggled with the science portion most of the time.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Kind Gesture

A kind gesture one can make during Good Friday is feeding the homeless. Homeless people aren't as fortunate and prosperous as others. Therefore helping them in their times of need , not only on holidays, is an act of kindness. Some homeless people have families and little kids. Feeding them may seem like a small task, but every little gesture helps. It is the thought that counts. Many of them may not have homes, but by the help of others, they can have a meal to call their own.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Letter to the governor

Pastor Joseph Stevens
3018 Mary Center
Bayoone, Louisiana 30161

February 3, 1940

Governor Bentley
2018 Jewel Lane
Bayoone, Louisiana 30161

Dear Governor Bentley,

I am very honored that you have taken the time to read my concerns regarding Jefferson. I am well respected in my community as well as in the state of Louisiana. I have known and witnessed many things in my day. I am the pastor of Old Bethlehem Baptist Church. I have served and traveled many miles for my community. I go to white as well as colored neighborhoods to preach the gospel. I have known your family since the early 1900s, so I know you have heard of me and my good deeds. People of all colors come to me because they know I am a problem solver.

I have known Miss Emma since she joined my church back when Jefferson was just a little boy. He was the nicest little boy anyone could ever meet. I known he is a kind hearted person. I remember when he use to always ask me was I okay and did I need prayer. Imagine that. A little boy asking the preacher do I need prayer. That is how I know Jefferson is a kind person. Jefferson growing up as a teenager I could see he had the potential to be a man of honor. Sometimes a person can become swayed from their destiny due to others. He was not like the other boys starting trouble. Jefferson has always been courteous to women as well as the elderly.

I have known your family for many many years Mr. Governor Bentley. I also knew your father very well. I know he raised you as a good, Christian man. A Christian man would not sign off on the death of another person. I know Jefferson was accused of a terrible crime, but do not kill based off of hate. The Bible says, " Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." I know your family so I know that you know what the Bible says. Jefferson was accused of murder, but two wrongs does not make a right. I am well respected and I also respect you. I know I am asking a lot, but I ask you to show mercy for Jefferson as well as his family. Yes, Jefferson should pay for the crime he is accused of, but not by death. I know Jefferson is mournful. I am not asking for you to free Jefferson, of course. I am asking that you allow him to live and not die.


Pastor Joseph Stevens

Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying Chapters 18 & 19

Chapter 18 - Quotation 1 - Page 141
"I love you more and more," I said. "If you'd just say the word, God knows I'd drop everything.
"And hate each other for the rest of our lives, Grant? No," she said.
"I could never hate you---ever."
"You could, and you would," she said.
"No," I said.
"Yes, Grant, you would hate me for letting you make this decision. Or I would hate you for doing it."
"I'm not doing any good up there, Vivian," I said. "Nothing is changing."
"Something is," she said.

Question 1 - Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quote indicates a conflict between Grant and Vivian. She doesn't want to leave and act off of emotion. Grant is so blinded by love that he will do anything for her. Vivian wants Grant to stay because he is changing things, but he doesn't see what she sees is changing. In Grant's mind, everything is still the same and he is still miserable. Also, it raises the conflict between Grant's love and Vivian's love. He says that he could never hate her, but she could hate him for making the decision to just pick up and leave.

Question 2 - Does this quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?
This quote characterizes Grant as a person who tries to be brave. He wants to just go do something but is so in love that he doesn't want to leave her. I say that he tries to be brave because he always has an excuse as to why he can't leave. A real brave person would just get up and go with excuses or hesitation.

Chapter 19 - Quotation 2 - Page  - 151
"I looked back at the people around the tables, talking, eating, drinking their coffee and lemonade. But I was not with them. I stood alone."

Question 1 - Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
This quote relates to the theme of isolation. Grant feels so out of place around his own home town. He separates himself without even knowing it. He feels so alone and unhappy. The only time he is happy is when Vivian is around but Grant should feel comfortable in his own town. He separates himself and closes everyone out because he is unhappy.

Question 2 - Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quote indicates a conflict between Grant and his own emotions. It is obvious that he is unhappy. He is surrounded by people who are enjoying themselves around Christmas but yet he is not. Grant seems like he is on the verge of becoming depressed or maybe his unhappiness will soon lead him to make life style changes.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying Chapters 16 & 17

Chapter 16 - Quotation 1 - Page 123 - Paragraph 4
"What I done done," she cried, "to make my Master hate me so?"
"The Lord don't hate you, Sister Emma," Reverend Ambrose said, touching her on the arm. "The Lord is with you this moment. He is only testing you."
Miss Emma looked up at me. The tears were still rolling down her face.
"Go back," she said.
"Why, Miss Emma?"
" 'Cause somebody go'n do something for me 'fore I die."
"Why me?"
" 'Cause you the teacher," my aunt said.

Question 1 - Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
This quote relates to the them of obligation and responsibility. Miss Emma feels responsible for Jefferson's outcome in life even though he made his own decisions. She feels responsible for him because she raised him, so she feels like his bad decisions are because of her. It is ironic because she feels like God is punishing her, but Jefferson is the one who is on death row about to be electrocuted. Grant's aunt feels like he is obligated to visit Jefferson simply because he is a teacher and she feels as if Grant can fix Jefferson.

Question 2 - Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quote indicates a conflict between Miss Emma and her faith. She feels like God is punishing her. She is questioning God and wonders what could she had done so bad that he would cause her so much pain. Grant's aunt comfort does not seem to help and she feels like God has to hate her to punish her. Tante Lou does not want to see her friend in pain and the Reverend tries to convince her that God is only testing her. Sometimes tests from God can shake people's faith in God.

Chapter 17 - Quotation 2 - Page 134 - Paragraph 7
"He ain't here for no picnic," Clark said. "He killed Mr. Gropé. Let him stay right there in that last cell. Till that last day."

Question 1 - Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?
This quote relates to the theme of imprisonment. The sheriff wants Jefferson to feel like a prisoner where ever he is at. If he is not in a cell he has to wear chains. It seems as though they think Grant deserves to think he is less of a person and to be uncomfortable and he deserves to be in a cell for the crime they believe he committed.

Question 2 - To what contemporary issue(s) do(es) the quotation connect?
This quote connects to the issue of containment. Jefferson was considered guilty even before the trial. The white community wants Jefferson to feel like he is a hog. They want to keep him to be contained like an animal. Some white people in those times did not want black people to feel superior, smart, or anything. Keeping blacks contained and attacking their mindset is a way whites affected blacks. Attacking Jefferson's mind and the way he sees himself is a way they contained Jefferson.